Year-Round Outdoor Classrooms

Kinderberry Hill Nature Explore Certified Outdoor Classrooms allow children to have safe, ready-made access to green places and engagement with nature. Research shows that daily contact with nature provides many benefits to children: increases physical activity, improves self-discipline, reduces stress, enhances cognitive abilities, and supports problem-solving. Our outdoor classrooms offer opportunities for exploration, discovery, collaboration, and wonder! …


Research is showing that children need connections with the natural world as a regular part of their healthy growth and development.


Our outdoor classrooms offer ample opportunities for science investigations, engineering, collaboration, creativity, and more.


Children are naturally drawn to active play outdoors:  it allows them to explore their environment, develop muscle strength and coordination, and gain self-confidence.

To a passerby, the outdoor classroom may look like children playing outside as they always have. However, what is actually happening is rich, child-centered learning! These spaces intentionally provide a variety of experiences with learning goals in mind. They encourage children to initiate their own activities and create their own learning in an enriched, nature-inspired, and ever-changing environment.

–Sara Reichstadt, Kinderberry Hill Education Coordinator