A child-centered approach with hands-on learning and discovery at the heart.

Take a Peek!

Our Wonder Lab studies
take place two to four months
at a time, allowing in-depth
exploration. Each study is
based on a different theme
and incorporates a variety of
learning opportunities from all
learning domains. Themes are immersed into daily schedules and activities.

Studies are introduced
during group time activities.
Afternoons are immersed in
hands-on play experiences
to enhance learning using a
variety of materials,
resources, and cues from
the children’s interests.

Families receive frequent
communication regarding
each topic of study, including
information about the
community, family education
events, and other
opportunities through
Kinderberry Hill.

Art Study

Mediums, artists, eras and more—everything and all things art! Children create and explore sculpture, pottery, and photography. This entire study is a exposure to art history and a practice in creativity, imagination, and self-expression.

Let’s Get Jazzy

The unique qualities of jazz music is just a small portion of this musical study. Hand-on learning includes: exposure both by touch and sound to a variety of
instruments, books and music from a number of musicians, and an exploration of the variety of ways people have listened to music throughout history—radios, records, and cassette tapes. Children explore making music through singing, using microphones, and mixing boards.

Butterfly Study

Throughout this study, children learn about various insects, birds, and mammals that contribute to our ecosystem by pollinating plants and flowers. Some of the hands-on learning includes: sketching and drawing various pollinators with different art mediums, dressing up as bees with scarves and glasses, investigating real specimens, exploring the sounds of hummingbird and oriels, building insects with loose parts, and sorting games.

Potions Study

Stirring, mixing, transforming, and discovering! This is what our Potion Study was all about.  We created colors, ground spices, and made many scientific predictions and observations about the reactions taking place.

Performance and Theatre

Performance and Theatre were the focus of this incredible Wonder Lab study! Children were involved in creating their own stories and songs, building the stage, designing costumes, running lights and music and even taking tickets and helping everyone to their seat. This truly was a group effort and enjoyed by all.

Simple Machines

The world is full of SIMPLE MACHINES! We explored pulleys, levers, screws, wedges, wheels and more. Children experimented with moving things using these items and finding them in our everyday life.